HELP US BUILD a museum to share it.
Our Honorary Chairs are Leading the Way
Ready to Build and We Need Your Help
Message from the President
As we begin a New Year at the Palo Alto Museum, on behalf of the Museum Board I’m very pleased to report that Roth Building rehabilitation is well underway, developing spaces for museum exhibits, public spaces, a café, learning centers, and the permanent home of the Palo Alto Archives.
The extraordinary stories, the papers, photographs, and artifacts that document the history of this place that has carved such a deep mark on the lives of those near and far will be showcased in creative and new ways implementing the latest in museum design. We have never lost sight of the promise to create a museum showcasing the global impact of Palo Alto and Stanford University, and we continue to be committed to that goal.
Yet, even at this exciting stage, the job is not done. While we have turned the page from fundraising for rehabilitation and attaining the 40-year lease on the Roth Building, we have now entered a new chapter of necessary museum development to complete the vision:
- fundraising for the essential professional staff to design the Museum and to lead the organization, key positions to planning the Museum’s programs and exhibits using the latest ideas in museum design. The Board of Directors has set the practical goal of raising $3 million to sustain the Museum through this next phase.
- overseeing rehabilitation of the Roth Building
- ongoing and productive collaboration with City staff
- managing daily operations
- continuing work with the outstanding Teen Council’s efforts to record oral histories
Go by the Roth Building at 300 Homer and see the vision of the Museum as it is literally becoming a reality. The 1932 Palo Alto Clinic was designed by Palo Alto’s own Birge Clark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a fitting place to be the Museum’s home. Peek through the construction fence at the entrance and you’ll notice that the Arnautoff frescoes are fully protected, ready for professional conservators to restore them to their full historical significance. The camellias in the courtyard are recognized as heritage plantings and are also being protected. Given current progress, we anticipate the rehabilitation will be completed in December 2024 with Museum doors open spring 2025.
The Museum organization, including the Board of Directors, full-time staff, our Honorary Chairs, the Advisory Board, the amazing Teen Council, and dozens of volunteers, is strong and leading the way.
Palo Alto’s first History Museum will create a place where everyone is welcome and inspired to learn, share, imagine and create. It will showcase the many stories, known and presently unknown, that have not only made the Palo Alto-Stanford community one that is recognized world-wide but also one that we call home.
Join us now by sharing our enthusiasm, share it with others, contribute to the vision, volunteer your talents, contribute financially. There is no better time than now to put your mark on the future.
Rich Green
Board President
The historic Roth Building in downtown Palo Alto is the ideal location to build this community’s Museum, and we continue to work in partnership with the City to advance its rehabilitation. With approved plans and an active building permit in place, ours is the fastest and most cost-effective way to bring a history museum to our community.
David M. Kennedy giving public comment at the City Finance Committee meeting on behalf of the Museum
In Support of the Palo Alto Museum
“Palo Alto is the ‘stem cell’ of Silicon Valley, which has been home base for the most important evolution in the history of mankind: the technology industry. The Palo Alto stories of innovation and entrepreneurship that have led to valuable advances for the benefit of humanity are inspirational. The time to develop a world class museum for Palo Alto is now.”

William Hewlett and David Packard
Hewlett-Packard Founders

Steve Wozniak and Andy Hertzfeld
Apple Pioneers
Endorsing Organizations

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